Guidelines for Admissions
Admission will be made as per the Government Order MS No.144 dated 19.04.2000.
- 50% seats will be reserved under minority quota for the community which runs the college.
- Rest of the seats will be reserved as given below
- OC-31%, BC-30%, MBC/DNC-20% SC/ST-18% + 1%
- Of the total seats, 3% is reserved for physically handicapped, six seats for children of ex-servicemen of Tamil Nadu origin, 3% for sports persons in UG.
- One seat is reserved for an outstanding NCC candidate whose application is to be forwarded by the Unit commander.
- Photo copy of community certificate issued by the Tamil Nadu Govt. must be attached with the application and the original to be shown at the time of interview. This certificate is not necessary for forward community candidates.
- Ranking will be done for the total of 205 marks, comprising a subject component of 200 and a concession component of 5 marks. Concession component of 5 marks is added to local candidates / distinction in NCC / Sports / Games / Social Service. [100 marks for the Major subject opted by the candidates and 50 marks for each Allied subject (Ancillary Subjects)